Exercises 3


How to have visualisations

Ralf Martin https://mondpanther.github.io/wwwmondpanther/

Your task this week is to get some data from somewhere and create a figure or visualisation in R along with a discussion of what we might be seeing. The R Markdown for lecture 3 provides you with some starting points. You find the Rmd code here and the compiled html output here


For attribution, please cite this work as

Martin (2021, Sept. 14). Datastories Hub: Exercises 3. Retrieved from https://mondpanther.github.io/datastorieshub/posts/exercises/exercises3/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Martin, Ralf},
  title = {Datastories Hub: Exercises 3},
  url = {https://mondpanther.github.io/datastorieshub/posts/exercises/exercises3/},
  year = {2021}